Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Worker Bees

As many of you already know, our group has found a much less expensive option for office space.  I'm quite relieved because it's now walking distance for me!  Well...It's a mile and a half from my house, which means it is walking distance, but it's bus distance if I'm late or lazy!

When we moved in on Friday, our room was quite bare and dusty.  We had previously ordered carpeting, which was installed on Tuesday.  Wednesday was our cleaning day, and we got to work!  We wiped down the walls, the windows, etc.  Mind you, this building was built in 1924.  It's fairly old.  And out on the street, they are replacing the Victorian water mains!  London's water pipes are the oldest in the country, with some of the pipes over 150 years old!  Clearly some upgrading is needed, but it does take time to do so.  I read online that there is a proposal to replace 16 miles of pipes in one area of London for a grand total of £7.1 million!

The point of sharing that was just to emphasize we have had a lot of dust and grime to clean off the windows.  In the doing so, we of course needed to take some photos!  

Once our furniture is all moved in, we should have a very nice office.  Let the good times roll! 

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