Wednesday, March 24, 2010

my birthday dinner with friends

Sunday we went out to a lovely Indian restaurant to celebrate my birthday.  It was an absolute feast and it was seriously a great time with my London friends and coworkers.  Here are few pics just to share the yumminess.  The menu actually had a "Birthday Dessert," which my friends insisted I order!  It came with a sparkler in it and I had seven waiters singing Happy Birthday to me.  "Look at that blush...." was a comment made by one of my friends!    

Homework Club

Two of my kids from homework club yesterday :) They may drive me nuts sometimes, but they are pretty cute!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Birthday List

When I was last in the USA, I got to spend my sister's birthday with her :) It was great fun, because birthdays are very special in our family.  She had to travel for work that day, but I was able to tag along with her.  While we were in the car, we grabbed an envelope (the only paper we could find) and on the back, came up with 29 things for her to do while she is 29 :)  She, ever the great planner, said we needed to come up with a 26 list for me.

So, as today is my birthday, here is the list we created of 26 things for me to do while I'm 26 :)

  1. go to Ikea... in Sweden
  2. Hillsong concert
  3. participate in a bike race
  4. lead the British Museum tour entirely on my own
  5. visit Giant's Causeway in both Ireland and Scotland
  6. live a month as a non-vegetarian! (That was Joy)
  7. visit the Vatican
  8. read a book by Kipling
  9. memorize a poem
  10. eat a curry on Brick Lane
  11. walk down Abbey Road
  12. go to a ballet
  13. visit 5 new museums
  14. go to the Opera!
  15. have a picnic
  16. do a photo shoot
  17. grow your hair long again
  18. get it cut by a French hairdresser
  19. pick a favorite book set in London, and visit all the spots mentioned
  20. go to Prague
  21. if possible, go to a Keith Urban concert in London!  
  22. buy a pair of Italian shoes
  23. get a henna tattoo 
  24. ride a vespa
  25. tour a chocolate factory in Switzerland :)
  26. continue school!