Thursday, November 28, 2013

Adorable A

This adorable little girl makes us all smile and laugh on so many occasions.  Here she is trying to wear her Tia's hat!  Earlier today she was saying, "I look like a pirate!"  She's a goof.  I have been loving being so close to my sister and her kiddos.  The only downfall I have found is that with the proximity, my car doesn't have time to get warm on the cold drive home at night!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tales from the Classroom

I certainly enjoy teaching English.  I have wonderful students, and I'm learning a lot about teaching and the English language through the process of teaching it!

However, one thing I need to learn well is how to explain the concept of vegetarianism.  I have had multiple conversations with my students about this but it doesn't translate well into some cultures.  My Asian students understand it easily.  My Middle Eastern students…not so much.

My Egyptian students made me molokheyya,  a traditional Egyptian soup made from a green vegetable.  This is typically served with chicken.  Since I have been to Egypt, my students asked me if I had had that and I said yes.  They offered to make it for me but I told them that I don't eat chicken.  The husband looked at me with concern and asked, "You only eat it over rice?  It's better with chicken."

The next day, they brought me a container of rice and of molokheyya.  Ezzat, the husband, grinned proudly at me and said, "Since you don't eat chicken, we made it with duck."

The same couple brought me Egyptian macaroni béchamel.  Macaroni with hamburger.  I thanked them but said, "I don't eat meat."  Ezzat said reassuringly, "But it is small pieces."

Thursday, November 07, 2013

He's home!

Little man is home now and he's doing well! His cough is slowly loosening up and he is able to go without oxygen now!

Monday, November 04, 2013

In the midst of the noise, the busy pace, the crazy schedule, the long to do list, there is a tug to stop and be still and smile.  To just breathe the fall air.  To let go of the stress.  To lower the expectations I put on myself.

My poor little nephew has been in hospital for a week now with a viral respiratory infection.  My sister and brother-in-law are being super parents, making sure that James is never alone, and also trying to make sure that Anna's little world doesn't go pear shaped as well.

Somehow, in this week, I have managed to have almost everything need to be done.  A friend is visiting from Tanzania on Wednesday.  A project is due in my current grad class on Saturday.  I agreed a month ago to do a workshop at a conference and it's this Friday.  I am going to a TESOL conference in Philly on Saturday.  Every Thursday, I co-lead a chapel for undergraduates at my university.

I am so thankful that I dropped a course from my schedule for this term.  I couldn't be doing two right now.

I've been reading a wonderful little book called "Jesus Calling" for my devotions.  Today's entry begins with these words: "Walk peacefully with Me through this day.  You are wondering how you will cope with what is expected of you.  You must traverse this day like any other: one step at a time.  Instead of mentally rehearsing how you will do this and that, keep your mind on my presence and on taking the next step.  The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from me."

Wonderful words.  One step at a time, one day at a time.  In the grand scheme, the most important part of all of this is my family.  I love being able to pick my niece up from "school" and play with her in the evenings.  I love putting her to bed and hearing her sleepy voice whisper, "I love you SO much, Tia."

Last night, I spent the night at my sister's house.  Her husband was at the hospital for the night, so we snuggled like little girls in her bed, with Anna settled between us to unwind for the evening.  Being there for my sister is one of the most important things on my "list."  It tops everything else.