Friday, January 20, 2012


England gave me a parting gift.  I have a really bad cold and sore throat.  My body can't seem to decide if I should sneeze or cough more.  I'm going to need to buy more tissues, and it's not because I'm crying my way through goodbyes!  

Today I stayed at home (it was a schoolwork and packing day) and drank umpteen cups of elderflower cordial and hot water.  Coffee didn't appeal and even my herbal teas just didn't taste right, but this cordial and hot water combination hit the spot.  As I sat still reading and writing my responses for class, I needed the hot drinks to keep warm! I multi-tasked by doing laundry at the same time and hanging it over the radiators to dry.  That brought to mind the changes that I am so looking forward to about housing in the USA: good heating and clothes dryers.  

Laura came home and called into the lounge to me, inquiring how my day had been.  I sniffled and responded, "It's been ok."  She popped her head in, face full of sympathy.  "Aww, has it been an emotional sort of day because of leaving and packing?"  I was so confused.  Why would she think that I was emotional about leaving today? I'm not upset about that today. Haha.  Then I realized...Oooh.  The sniffing.  The tissues.  The slightly froggy voice.  I guess I can see why she would assume that after all!

After much deliberation about what we should cook for dinner, we decided to live the luxurious life.  For the first time in my three years in London, I ordered pizza to be delivered.  It was Papa John's, no less.  After a day of homework, it felt like a return to college days as we ate pizza and watched a movie.  

1 comment:

Richardona said...

Sorry about the cold. However, I think the weather will be even colder where you're headed :(

Hope you have a great transition with your last days.

P.S: A Papa-John's pizza without any meat...shocking!