Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Storm

On Sunday, I attended a church called highrock.  A friend heard good things about it, so we went to visit.  I felt at home with their great mix of ages and nationalities and a blend of ritual and personal elements to the service.

The pastor, Dave, spoke on the Sermon on the Mount, which they have apparently been preaching on for quite some time.  This week the reading was Matthew 7:24-27. Jesus told his disciples a parable about building a house on a rock, rather than a house on the sand.

He also spoke about trusting God during the storms.  The pastor made two comments that I jotted down quickly, comments which were great reminders to me.  In regards to the man who built his house on the rock, Jesus said: "The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had it's foundation on the rock."  Pastor Dave made a careful clarification for the congregation: 

"God is not offering us protection from the storm.  He is offering us protection in the storm."

At a later point in the sermon, Pastor Dave spoke further on God's provision.  As I was thinking about his words, I realized that so often I want God to give me a proof that He will provide for me in the future.  Mulling over Pastor Dave's words has been good for me in the past  two days.  I've begun to realize, perhaps I need to just remember the consistency of God.  He has provided in the past, and I have no reason to doubt that He would change.

"Trust God will provide because He always has."

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