Sunday, June 14, 2009

Twists and Turns of Life

I normally leave this blog for pictures with little commentary about life, but today will be different.  

Life has been challenging lately and I've been struggling a bit here in London.  I've been so tired from a crazy schedule, missing family, and worrying about my grandmother (who has not been feeling so great lately).  But God is so good, and I'm so thankful that I have a God who loves me and gives me strength.

This morning, my pastor at church was reminding us that God meets us where we are, with as much or as little energy we have, God just wants us to keep turning to Him.  The pastor made the valid point that we often turn to God when we feel weak or overwhelmed, but he really reminded the church that we need to continue to turn to God when we feel strong also.  He commented, "Even if you feel like you only have 5% to give, God will the other 95% for you."  Well, honestly, when I woke up, I felt like I was at about 5%!  But God is so good.  Church was really encouraging to me.  The sermon was a great reminder to worship God, regardless of how I feel.  God is faithful.

Then this afternoon, I went down to London's famous Corner and I got into some really good conversations.  Perhaps the best one was with a man who does not believe in a higher authority (other than human morality) but yet seems hesitant to claim to be an atheist.  A friend of mine and another girl were speaking to this man and I went over to listen but joined in and ended up carrying on the conversation after they left.  We had a great conversation and as he is in London for five weeks for business, I'm hoping I'll see him another week.  After we said our goodbyes, one of my friend's, who had been talking to this man earlier, came over and said, "What did you say to him?  After you started talking him, he seemed to soften..."  Thanks be to God, because I was praying the entire time we were talking!

And as I sat on the tube on the way home, I had time to reflect on how good God is to me.  I started my day, tired and not really interested in engaging with anyone, and instead, God encouraged me through a conversation with an atheist.  Did I expect that this morning?  Not in my wildest dreams.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

You are amamzing young woman who God is using to do incredible things. It was also an encouragement to me to read your blog today. Honey...we are praying for you too and that you will not be too homesick or lonely. We miss you everyday, but we take comfort in knowing that you are right where God wants you to be. He will be your comfort .... your family. Nan is doing okay....don't worry too much about her....she still isn't feeling so good - the medicine and the blood clots are really zaapping her energy and she doesn't like that. But for now she just needs to try and rest and take it easy until we can get those blood clots all taken care of. Anyway, I just wanted to send a note....thanks for sharing from your heart on your blog. I love you.