Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ten insights from the last few weeks.

  1. Family is priceless.
  2. Pennsylvania sunrises may not be as dramatic as Zimbabwean ones, but they are still pretty.
  3. Crossword puzzles are way more fun when there are two people working on it together.
  4. It's a lot easier to spend $50 than it is to earn $50. :)
  5. Two year olds have endless energy.
  6. Ninety nine people out of one hundred will smile back if you smile at them!
  7. Never underestimate how nice it is to have someone to talk to when you come home.
  8. Friends can be found almost anywhere.
  9. There is something satisfying about seeing baby carrots and baby spring onions sprouting.
  10. A hectic week makes a peaceful Sunday that much more soothing.

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