Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Elephants and Tamarinds

Today's African proverb is from Senegal:

An elephant can do nothing to a tamarind tree except shake it.

I don't know about you, but I am not a fan of tamarinds.  I was once visiting a Sudanese friend and she gave me a big glass, filled to the brim, of tamarind juice.  To me, it tastes very bitter.

Woman selling tamarinds in Thailand

Elephants, however, love tamarinds!  I saw an amazing picture (You can see it too! ) of an elephant climbing a tree for a tamarind!  Also, I just learned that tamarinds are a good source of calcium, which is very unusual for a fruit.  

I've been talking about fruit and teaching names of various fruits in my ESL class.  I think I need to take a picture of a tamarind in to show my students!  All but one of my students are from areas where tamarinds are common.  

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