Sunday, September 18, 2016

A weekend of insanity and joy

Well, today is my sweet sister's birthday! Joyful, I love you. I'm so glad you are my sister and one of my dearest friends. And any typos in the this post are the fault of your children, who are currently trying to type on my keyboard along with me!

My sister and her husband are taking a well-deserved holiday. As seems to happen, Plan A was nice and simple. Mom and Dad would watch the three kids. Not a big deal, right? That's what grandparents are for! Well, then my grandfather had shoulder surgery scheduled, and of course, it was for one of the days that my parents were on grandparent-duty. Still, not a problem. Mom's not-so-secret identity is Super-Gran, and she can handle three kids with an ease that leaves the rest of our family shaking their heads. However, Super-Gran's back started hurting. (Excuse me, I need to go pull D off the cushion that A is currently under. I don't know why. Well, I know why I need to pull D off, but I'm not sure why A is under the cushion, considering we are theoretically watching Robin Hood and "winding down for bed." The kids didn't get that memo.) Essentially, Plan A is long in the past, and we are now on Plan LMNOP and remaining open to change.

This weekend has had less sleep, more questions (A is at the stage where EVERYthing requires a minimum of 14 questions), and certainly more nappy-changes than my weekends typically include. Still, it has been a terrific weekend. I love these three kids.

At some point last night, I realized (in a philosophical 4 a.m. moment) that I think of nights as being short. In my single-no-kids life, I fall asleep when I feel like it. The process of falling asleep takes me about five seconds and then before I know it, I wake up to yet another day. The hours I've slept pass in the timeless bliss that is deep sleep. 

Can I just say, last night lasted a really LONG time? Before I had even turned out my bedside light, D had woken up twice. When I heard him the third time at 4.a.m (when my inner philosopher was rudely awakened after four hours of sleep), I looked out the window and thought, "How is it possibly still night?" Simultaneously, I prayed, "Dear Lord, please let him go back to sleep for at least three more hours!" God and Super-Gran were both gracious, and I got to have a slighter longer chunk of sleep in the morning, once everyone else was awake. I still drank my first coffee in record time though!

Bathtime would include more adventures of slippery little drama queens, but at the moment, I have one foot pressing into my shoulder blade (the foot is not mine) and another little someone screaming on the stairs. It's snack-time. I'll write more later :) 

1 comment:

Richardona said...

That was hilarious! :) The joys of parenthood. Sounds exactly how a night on call for a doctor/nurse would play out. Joy definitely owes you one for this favour.