Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adult ESL

I can tell that ESL (English as a Second Language) is going to keep me on my toes.  All last week, I only had three students (the same three students) turn up to class.  Considering I had ten on the register, that was a little surprising.

One student told me she wouldn't be at class today because she had a doctor's appointment.  So, I planned my lesson, expecting two students.  On the way to class, another student's husband called, telling me that his wife wouldn't be at ESL class due to a hospital appointment.  I got to my location thinking I would have one, perhaps zero, students.

By nine, I had four new students who had not been in class last week, one new student added to my register because the night class wasn't fitting her work schedule, and also my one returning student from last week.  My lesson plan went out the window.  I'm not sure what is going on with the three students I have yet to meet.  I suppose that tomorrow I might have eleven students!

I sent a text to my school advisor, telling her what happened.  Her response: "Welcome to adult ESL!  It's a good thing you are flexible!" :)

In other news, tomorrow (Wednesday) will be my first day at Job #3.  I'll be working a few afternoons and evenings a week at the welcome desk of a local gym.  I have a lot of hours my first week because of orientation, so I better get back to my homework now!  I will teach from 9-11 tomorrow morning, and then work at the gym from 5-9 p.m.

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