After all this time, I decided it isn't worth trying to catch up on long overdue posts. I will just begin anew! I might post some pictures from the last two months at a later date, but for now, I will focus on the present!
It is with great excitement that I write the news! I'm in my final class for my M.Ed! At 5 p.m. on Friday, only my thesis has to be completed. Admittedly, this is a very significant hurdle, but it is still a thrill to realize that graduation is so close!
Today's class included a lot of artistic ventures. When I look at the pictures Emily and I drew for one assignment, I can't help but think that they resemble my three year old niece's art show at her school.
This particular task instructed us to depict ourselves in terms of a house. My house has a thatched roof, no walls, a palm tree among the many plants circumnavigating the house, an outdoor table, and a bookshelf next to the hammock. I'm not sure what it actually says about my personality, but it was certainly very different from all the other houses.